Predictors of Loss To Follow Up and Mortality Among Children ≤12 Years Receiving Anti Retroviral Therapy during the First Year at a Referral Hospital in Bali


  • Stefanie Juergens Public Health Postgraduate Program Udayana University
  • Anak Agung Sagung Sawitri Public Health Postgraduate Program Udayana University
  • Ketut Dewi Kumara Wati Department of Paediatrics Faculty of Medicine University Udayana/ RSUP Sanglah
  • I Wayan Gede Artawan Eka Putra Public Health Postgraduate Program Udayana University
  • Tuti Parwati Merati Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine University Udayana/RSUP Sanglah



Loss to follow up, mortality, paediatric, ART, Indonesia


Background and purpose: Many HIV-infected children in Bali have started antiretroviral therapy (ART), but loss to follow up (LTFU) is a continuing concern, and the issue of childhood adherence is more complex compared to adults.

Methods: This was a retrospective study among cohort of 138 HIV+ children on ART in Sanglah General Hospital, Denpasar, Bali from January 2010 to December 2015. Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to describe incidence and median time to LTFU/mortality and Cox Proportional Hazard Model was used to identify predictors. Variables which were analysed were socio-demographic characteristics, birth history, care giver and clinical condition of the children.

Results: Mean age when starting ARV therapy was 3.21 years. About 25% experienced LTFU/death by 9.1 month resulting in an incidence rate of 3.28 per 100 child month. The higher the WHO stage, the higher the risk for LTFU/mortality along with low body weight (AHR=0.90; 95%CI: 0.82-0.99).

Conclusion: Clinical characteristics were found as predictors for LTFU/ mortality among children on ART.


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How to Cite

Juergens, S., Sawitri, A. A. S., Wati, K. D. K., Putra, I. W. G. A. E., & Merati, T. P. (2016). Predictors of Loss To Follow Up and Mortality Among Children ≤12 Years Receiving Anti Retroviral Therapy during the First Year at a Referral Hospital in Bali. Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive, 4(2), 101–106.




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